Today I will show you how to use Path.
Path can draw highly complex graphics, and I'm just showing its basic functions here.
First, add a Path, define the Path shape in the closure
Move the coordinates of Path to {50, 0}
Draw a line from the starting point of Path through the addLine method to {50, 200}
Then draw a line to the right from {50, 200} to {250, 200}
var body: some View {
Path { path in
path.move(to: CGPoint(x: 50, y: 0))
path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: 50, y: 200))
path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: 250, y: 200))

Continue to draw a straight line upwards to {250, 0}
This way, we get a square Path of size 250x250.
path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: 250, y: 0))

Then draw another Path and move the new starting point to {50, 300}
Then use addQuadCurve to draw a Bezier curve to {250, 300}, control point to {150, 450}
Add another Bezier curve in the same way to {350, 300}, control point to {300, 220}
path.move(to: CGPoint(x: 50, y: 300))
path.addQuadCurve(to: CGPoint(x: 250, y: 300),
control: CGPoint(x: 150, y: 450))
path.addQuadCurve(to: CGPoint(x: 350, y: 300),
control: CGPoint(x: 300, y: 220))

Then add a stroke effect to the Path and set the lineWidth to 8. In this case, the fill color of all paths will disappear.
.stroke(lineWidth: 8)

In addition to using Path to draw straight lines or curves, you can also use Path to draw typical graphics such as ellipses and rectangles.
Add a new Path.
Use addEllipse to draw an ellipse/circle, parameters: x: 90, y: 50, width: 200, height: 200
path.addEllipse(in: CGRect(x: 90, y: 50, width: 200, height: 200))

Use addRoundedRect to draw a rectangle with rounded corners.
path.addRoundedRect(in: CGRect(x: 90, y: 50, width: 200, height: 200), cornerSize: CGSize(width: 32, height: 32))

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